A little snow really brings out the beauty in this aspen’s face. The mind’s eagerness to find faces in nature’s patterns is well known and hard to resist in a forest full of tree people.
Category Archives: trees
spring green
At my house we love the aspen color in the spring. When the leaves unfold they are shiny and bright. As they grow into summer the color dulls, of course, so I have been trying to capture some of the spring color now.
Georgia Spring
here comes the sun
Happy This Year, 2008
I’ve been busy enjoying time with my family who are on holiday from work and school. A few days at our favorite hotsprings, a day of playing in the snow at a nordic center, and just hanging out at home reading, relaxing, and keeping the fire burning. There have been a few images captured, but I haven’t looked at most of them as I’m on holiday, too. Happy New Year.
October Gold
Yesterday’s sunshine lit the last of the golden leaves in the trees as a gentle breeze fluttered them. When walking this week my eye was drawn here and there to the brightness of the season. It will soon be gone. Many of the leaves are already on the ground and trees that were at the peak last week are mostly bare. If the forecasted snow comes tomorrow, it will be our first good snow of the season.